Again I'm in one of these situations
I do every thing i can
so I can reach my dream
but the last step to that dream
isn't mine to take
it isn't my call to make
it's someone's else decision to take
and it's either
that person won't take that step
or I'll keep waiting for him to take that step
so I can reach my dream
and I keep living in the probabilities
that he will take the decision now
or the next day
or the next month
or I might just die
before I see him taking that step
so I keep telling myself that it's my destiny
it's MY FATE
and I can't argue with that
cause it's God's well
maybe it won't be good for me if I did reach my dream
and the only thing I have is my Prayers to God
I do every thing i can
so I can reach my dream
but the last step to that dream
isn't mine to take
it isn't my call to make
it's someone's else decision to take
and it's either
that person won't take that step
or I'll keep waiting for him to take that step
so I can reach my dream
and I keep living in the probabilities
that he will take the decision now
or the next day
or the next month
or I might just die
before I see him taking that step
so I keep telling myself that it's my destiny
it's MY FATE
and I can't argue with that
cause it's God's well
maybe it won't be good for me if I did reach my dream
and the only thing I have is my Prayers to God
هناك 10 تعليقات:
and the only thing I have is my Prayers to God
Just Pray i know u have't another way
rbna ma3aky w m3 el.gamee3
What a beautiful post!
I feel every word in it. and your waiting condition make me belive that may be my unknown girl is also wating for me to ask her to mary me.
I should congrate you.
you are such a emotional girl
avery day you wait. will add to you more and more love for the person you are waiting for. and that make him realy lucky.
Happy to comment to your post. Salam Alekom
keep praying ya sara :)
rabna m3aki w m3ana :)
حلو أوووووى البوست ده ياسارة
حاسة بيكى وحاسة بكل كلمة قولتيها
ومفيش غير الإنتظار والدعاء
قدر الله وما شاء فعل
ويمكن يكون دا الي فيه الخير إن شاء الله
بصي علي المميزات بقي وركزي فيها
وأدعي ربنا :)
بصراحهرالبةست ده روووعه والله
جامد جدااا
فى حاجات الواحد سعات مش بيعرف يعمل فيها حاجه مع ان نفس الشخص ده
ممكن يعمل اى حااااااجخ ومس يقووول لحاجه لا ويحاول فى كل حاجه
بس يجى عند دى بالزااات ويقف
مش يقدر يعمل غير انه يصلى ويدعى ربنا
وان شاء الله خير
بساطة فى الاسلوب شدتنى
وموضوعات جذبتنى
المدونة كلها عجبتنى ومبسوط جدا انى عرفتها
دعوة لزيارة لمدونتى المتواضعة..
مدونة غمض عينيك..مقالات عن النجاح فى الحياة وتطوير الشخصية
اتمنى تلبى دعوتى
خالص الشكر مقدما
فعلا معندنااش كلنا غير الصبر والدعاء
فى حديث عن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم بيقول
"ان الله يستحى ان يرد عبده صفرا " صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
صفرا معناها من غير ما يديله طلبه
دوامى على الصلاه ودعاء ربنا
وربنا يوفقك
تفائلوا بالخير تجدوه
جزاكم الله خيرا يا جماعة على الدعوات
بجد محتاجة قوي الدعوات دي
أنا مش عارفة هى المواضيع دي مش راضية تخلص ليه؟
يعني مش عارفة الأمور هتفضل متعقدة لامتي :(
ربنا يفرجها بقي :(
واللى فيه الخير ربنا يقدمه
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